HelloTerpenes offers the HIGHEST quality in 100% authentic cannabis derived terpenes. Period. No fillers no botanicals, no substitutes. Only true and real extractions, from selected genetics, raised for the purpose of terpene extraction. Unlike most suppliers. Who just grow extract and sell whatever they have. HelloTerpenes.com is grower owned, grower run, grower created and maintained.
If you’re from the trenches of the cannabis world, then we are from the same place.
Our terpenes are precision extracted using several proprietary techniques. Our origins were born with the 40 L CO2 extraction unit made my IES systems, so our first extractions were CO2 used as a solvent for terpene and related compounds extraction, using sub-critical, temperatures and pressure. But the tech does not stop there. We’ve obsessed over our SOPs for years. We’ve tried hundreds of varying parameters on all of our processes, which is why we have ALWAYS featured some of the highest quality cannabis derived terpenes available anywhere in the world.
Some extractions are done with dry-cured biomass, but I would say 98% of our terpenes are extracted from fresh frozen, and truly fresh not even frozen ever, biomass! The terpene content from biomass prior to being cured are roughly a multiple of five times the overall available terpenes, and even further, extraction from never cured material, captures a much higher level of the most volatile of the terpenes and related compounds. To explain further , the most volatile terpene compounds would decay and or evaporate during the drying process. So regardless of the precision of our extraction, if the most volatile Terpenes evaporate during the drying process, there would be no way to have them in the final extraction.
However the challenges faced with extracting form never cured material are substantial. Again we face a multiple of about 5 x the amount of work extract from fresh never cured biomass. Although the available terpene content is substantially higher on a percentage basis, conversely the sheer amount of biomass that needs to be processed is huge. Obviously because the cellular material losses 80-90% if its mass during the drying process. So the more the mass the more work to move it through the machines.
It doesn’t stop there ! Unlike any cannabis derived terpene supplier we also extract some of our world class Terps using hydrocarbon extraction methods! Using varying ratios of proprietary blends of hydrocarbons, we like to believe we’ve nearly perfected the job! All of our extraction methods have been optimized for precision extraction and collection of these precious and volatile compounds. Preserving the essence of each genetics expression, so that what you get in the end smells EXACLTY like the bud that it’s extracted from. ONLY STRONGER !
Again unlike almost every other terpene supplier out there, our care and love of these terpenes does not stop at the extraction method. Regardless of the method of extraction, this initial pull of terpene compounds is not where the preparation stops, that’s where it starts. At this point we would refer to the extract as a raw extracted terpene. Now this is where the fun continues, the refinement processes begin !
Many terpenes suppliers just take a raw extraction and go to market. The raw extraction is just one step of the magic recipe. During our proprietary refinement processes our terpenes are precision refined to remove any contaminants and or undesirables resulting in a water clear or near water clear appearance, and 100% non detectable levels of any cannabinoids. That’s right zero detectable cannabinoids. The refinement is also done as a method of further concentrating the terpenes. And like we’ve mentioned before the number of cycles of refinement are what determines if the final terpene will be presented in the Premium terpenes or the Elite level terpenes. Both tiers are absolutely excellent and usable for all cases. Considering that cost is part of a decision making process for most customers, we do sell our premium terpenes in greater quantities than our Elite terpenes, but make no mistake we sell a lot of Elites as well.
Many of our customers regularly buy terpenes from both tiers! The Elite tier of terpenes are our most concentrated Terps. Everybody that uses our terpenes knows it and we love to say it. We offer some the best 100% cannabis derived terpenes available anywhere in the world.